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RD-6 Coating System

Advantages of RD-6®:

• RD-6 is a non-shielding coating. In the case of a coating disbondment, the cathodic protection current will not be
shielded and will be able to reach the substrate.
• RD-6 has excellent resistance to cathodic disbondment, even with below standard surface preparation.
• The geotextile backing used with RD-6 provides physical properties of high breaking strength, low elongation and high
temperature resistance which all contribute to resistance of soil stress and continued corrosion protection.
• RD-6 is fast, easy-to-apply, and can be backfilled immediately after coating.
• RD-6 has visco-elastic properties to accommodate normal expansion and contraction of the substrate.
• The woven construction of the geotextile backing of RD-6 permits contact throughout the overlaps providing stronger
adhesion in this critical area of the coating.
• RD-6 has excellent water vapor transmission resistance.
• RD-6 has a uniform factory-controlled thickness, typically not possible with field-applied liquid coatings.

RD-6 Property Data:

Property ASTM Method Typical Results (Metric) Typical Results (English)
Total Thickness – Single layer of RD-6 Coating D 1000 1.27 mm 0.05 inches (50 mils)
Breaking Strength D 1000 193 N/10mm width 110 Lbs.F/in. width
Elongation % at break D 1000 < 30% < 30%
Water Vapor Transmission Rate E 96 Procedure B .006 g/h•m2 .009 grains/h•ft2
Cathodic Disbondment – 77°F (25°C), 30 days, 1.5V G 8 < 5 mm radius < 0.197 in. radius
Cathodic Disbondment – 150°F (66°C), 90 days, 3.0V G 42 < 10 mm radius < 0.4 in. radius
Non-shielding properties
(Does not shield cathodic protection currents)
Internal Polyguard  Pass (non-shielding)  Pass (non-shielding)
Dielectric Strength (breakdown voltage, KV) D 149 > 12 KV (9.45
> 12 KV (240 V/mil)
Adhesion to primed surface D 1000 Method A 35 N/10mm width 20 lbs. F/in. width
Adhesion to polyethylene D 1000 Method A 28 N/10mm width 16 lbs. F/in. width
Impact Resistance G 14 2.6 g/cm 23.0 in./lb.

801 Louisiana Street, Ste 310
Houston, TX 77002

Email: info@stuartsteel.com
Phone: 732-469-5544
Fax: 732-469-9270

New Jersey
411 Elizabeth Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873

66 Southern Court
Hiram, GA 30141

685 W. Gunnison Ave. #106
Grand Junction, CO 81501


Parent Company:
Integrated Utility Services
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