Test Equipment & Instruments

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Fink Plate

The FinK Plate 702 and 703 cathodic protection test station and telecommunication terminal blocks are an economical upgrade for several configurations of the 211 and 3″ diameter COTTMark® right of way marker system. Manufactured from high strength thermoplastic alloys, flnKPlate™ Models 70i and 703 are field proven, maintenance free terminals for monitoring electric currents and potentials as well as housings for surge arrestors, lightning arrestors, shunts, resistors, gas valves, ground bonds, talk terminals, alarm terminals, and pressure monitors. ,.lnKPlate™ Models70iand 703 are available from all Cott distributors and are manufactured in our Pittsburgh and Los Angeles factories.

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801 Louisiana Street, Ste 310
Houston, TX 77002

Email: info@stuartsteel.com
Phone: 732-469-5544
Fax: 732-469-9270

New Jersey
411 Elizabeth Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873

66 Southern Court
Hiram, GA 30141

685 W. Gunnison Ave. #106
Grand Junction, CO 81501


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Integrated Utility Services
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