Stuart Steel Protection is a manufacturer, packager, and master distributor of cathodic protection gear and coatings for buried and above grade steel pipe & structures.
Corrosion is life threatening, costly, harmful to the environment and wasteful. Unchecked corrosion can lead to structural failure, environmental pollution, excessive maintenance costs and equipment down time. Stuart Steel has a complete line of corrosion control components, coatings, tapes and wraps. Let us help you control corrosion today!
Oil & Gas
Distribution Pipelines
Transport Pipelines
Process Pipelines
Pigs & Pigging Stations
Compressors & Pumps
Storage Tanks
Sheet Pilings/Intake & Discharge Canals
- Sheet Pilings/Breakwaters
Fuel Transport Pipelines
Dock-side Transfer Pipes
Process Pipelines
Water Protection
Water Mains
Storage Tanks
Pumping Stations
Distribution Valves
Outside Plant Equipment
- Check Bridge Crossing language
Bridge Crossings
Marine Protection
Sheet Pilings/Breakwaters
- Dock-side Transfer Pipes
Steel Pipe Pilings
Cranes & Lifts
Our partners
We stock the highest quality components, from thoroughly vetted manufacturers, at a fair price, that are well suited to customer needs.
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More about Stuart Steel
Stuart Steel Protection has thousands of products to meet your corrosion control needs, but just three things to sell: Service, Quality and Price.
Stuart Steel’s personnel maintain close, personal relationships with OEMs and component vendors, carefully vetting our suppliers, to ensure that we stock the highest quality components, at a fair price, that are well suited to customer needs.
Stuart Steel’s personnel also work closely with every customer, to provide each customer with the right components, parts and coatings for their application. We won’t sell you a product that doesn’t meet your needs.
Stuart Steel has cathodic protection and coating products to protect a wide range of steel structures; our deepest experience is with buried and above grade piping; we also provide test equipment and the training needed to use it properly.
Stuart Steel’s partners with contracted Engineering Design firms to efficiently select the best products to implement the corrosion protection plan.
Field and Shop Demonstration
Stuart Steel Protection offers “hands on” demonstrations in the field or shop to instruct contractors and company crews on the correct installation methods for specific products.
Training Seminars
Stuart Steel Protection offers “no fee” seminars to educate customers on corrosion control principles and applications, equipment installation methods or specifics, new products, handling procedures, delivery information and much more. Visual aids and videos are provided.
Field Assistance
Stuart Steel Protection Rapid Response Team is always available to assist a customer with the installation and use of our products.
Technical Support
Stuart Steel Protection offers qualified, professional assistance by recognized leaders in the corrosion control industry to assure our clients that recommended or selected products are applicable.
Laboratory Testing
Stuart Steel Protection utilizes certified, independent research labs to analyze materials. Standard field tests like soil analysis, resistivity and field measurements are available through our network of professional partners.
Educational Media
Stuart Steel Protection offers videos for symposiums and corrosion personnel meetings. These videos show the capabilities of products and acquaint users or designers with various product applications. Videos are provided or loaned at no charge. Formats are CD files, DVD and VHS. Stuart also has a limited library of printed articles on materials and the science of Cathodic Protection.
Responsive Delivery
Stuart Steel Protection maintains an inventory of materials in its New Jersey, Tennessee, and Georgia warehouses ready (in most cases) for immediate shipment. Material can also be shipped from supplier inventories warehoused throughout the country. Status of all orders are tracked and clients are notified in advance of any delays and updated with shipping schedules.